Friday, July 30, 2010

Five Natural Appetite Suppressant Foods

Uncontrolled hunger is a problem for many people – and it can be a quick path to weight gain – especially if you choose the wrong foods. Some people are emotional eaters and snack even when they aren’t hungry, as a way to deal with emotional needs. Other people can’t seem to get full because they make the wrong food choices. Fortunately, bad eating habits can be changed. Here are five foods that suppress appetite naturally.

Suppress Appetite Naturally with Pine Nuts

Pine nuts are natural hunger suppressants – and there’s science to back it up. The oil from pine nuts contains fatty acids that suppress two hormones call
ed CCK and glucagons-like peptide, which are involved in controlling appetite. One small study showed that eating pine nuts can suppress appetite for up to four hours. Sprinkle some on a salad – and you’ll eat fewer calories overall – and feel more satisfied.

Appetite Suppressant Foods: The Power of the Apple

No list of foods that suppress appetite would be complete without the apple. Apples are a good source of fiber and pectins that suppress appetite naturally. Plus, the average apple has only seventy calories, making it the perfect mid-afternoon snack. Eat it raw or bake it in the oven with a little brown sugar, cinnamon,
and nutmeg for a guilt-free dessert that’ll keep you satisfied for hours.

Foods That Suppress Appetite: The Power of the Egg

Eggs are a good source of protein, which may account for their ability to suppress appetite. One study showed that women who ate eggs for breakfast consumed fewer calories at lunch than those who feasted on a breakfast bagel. Make an egg breakfast even more filling and nutritious by preparing a veggie omelet. You can’t go wrong since the average egg has only sixty calories.

Suppress Hunger Naturally with Bran

The high fiber content of wheat bran and bran cereals makes them a natural for taming


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